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What you need to know for back to school: KSES

KS Gazette Staff

This story was written by KSES's Academic Specialist Shelley Greenlee

Welcome back, Cardinals!

We are so excited to see your smiling faces back in our building in just a few shorts days. It’s going to be an amazing school year with lots of learning and fun planned for each and every one of you. Your teachers are preparing your classrooms and can’t wait for you to join them.

Enjoy your last few days of summer and we can’t wait to celebrate the first day of school with you on Monday, Aug. 7.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook (Kingston Springs Elementary School), Instagram (ksescardinals) and Twitter (@ksescardinals) for the latest updates, introductions to our new faculty/staff and more!

See you soon,

KSES Faculty and Staff

Important beginning of the year dates:

Thursday, 8/3 – Orientation (for parents) 1st/3rd grade 5:00, 2nd/4th grade 5:45

Sunday, 8/6 – Kindergarten orientation 2:00pm

Monday, 8/7 – First day of school for K-4 (10:45 dismissal)

Tuesday, 8/8 – First full day of school

Tuesday, 8/8 – Thursday, 8/10: Kindergarten testing (schedule is based on last name)

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