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What you need to know for back to school: HHS

KS Gazette Staff

This excerpt was written by Harpeth High School Principal Dr. Lee Rector

HHS is looking forward to another great year for students.

We strive to create a safe, stable, and nurturing learning environment for each student and hope that HHS students are active participants in their high school experience.

We want students to get involved in athletics and other extra-curricular activities that will support the strong learning that has been taking place in our building. Through academics and extra-curricular activities, students will have the opportunity to take pride in HHS and support each other over their four years.

We invite our parents to be a part of their student’s experience by regularly checking Skyward, communicating with their student’s teachers, and being aware of school news, updates, and events from our weekly newsletter and social media.

Some Important Information:

The county shared a new safety procedure for students beginning the 2023-2024 school year:

HHS students will be required to put backpacks, lunch boxes, and sports bags in an assigned locker each morning. Students will need to rent a school issued lock for their locker for $5, personal locks are NOT permitted. Students who qualify for free and reduced meals will not need to pay for a lock. Student-athletes will have arrangements made as needed for their athletic bags, check with coaches for that information.

Most HHS teachers will inform students of a class fee if additional material is required. Standard supplies all students should be prepared to have at school is listed below.

  • Notebook paper

  • Pens and pencils

  • 3-ring-binder

  • Notebooks/composition books

  • School assigned laptop

Freshmen report on Monday, August 7, 2023 and are dismissed at 10:45 am.

All students report for a full day on Tuesday, August 8, 2023.

Schedules may be available the first week of August in Skyward. Schedule changes are made ONLY during the first week of school.

More information will be found in newsletters and HHS social media.

We are looking forward to another great year at Harpeth High School. Students, parents, school staff, and our community helps to make Harpeth High School a great place to learn.

Our students and staff have seen tremendous success and we have been acknowledged by the state of Tennessee for our continued hard work. We will strive to be even better by helping our students become Respectful and Responsible individuals that are Ready to graduate and become productive adults… that is THE HARPETH WAY!


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