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Looking back, moving forward: Mayor Gross' reflections on serving community

By Kingston Springs Mayor Tony Gross

Serving as the Mayor of Kingston Springs has been one of the greatest honors of my life.

I love this vibrant little river town and its people. I have had the privilege of serving the town of Kingston Springs for nearly twelve years, with ten of those years as mayor, and I have been a resident for 25 years.

In that time, I have observed that Kingston Springs is not your run-of-the-mill small town, and we continue to prove that as the decades pass.

During my tenure as mayor, our board of commissioners and city government have accomplished many things I think they should be very proud of. From the expanded sidewalk system to the creation of fun new town sanctioned events, like Food Truck Monday, we have a city government that provides a high level of services to the community at a minimal cost to the taxpayer.

I have worked with many commissioners during my time at the city, and with few exceptions, I have found that most truly desire to make the place they call home an even better place. They demonstrate this by investing in the town infrastructure, parks, and public safety – and are often the first to show up, ready to work, when disaster strikes.

We are blessed to have a town staff that strives daily to work as a team to keep our town a good and safe place to raise a family. Sometimes I think we all take for granted just how dedicated the town staff is to their jobs. These folks approach their work as more than just a job and are thoroughly invested in the continued maintenance and improvement of the town. 

You can see their care in the fast response of our first responders and our low crime rate. We have a public works crew that works tirelessly to keep the grounds mowed in the summer and the roads plowed in the winter (even if they don’t get your street fast enough for your liking), along with numerous other tasks we will never notice but benefit from nonetheless.


I have been most pleased by the things that we have done as a city government that aid in the continued cultivation of our community. One of the first things I wanted to accomplish when I was elected was the creation of a farmers market. I have seen how a good farmers market can be a for a community to come together on a regular basis, in person, that also promotes movement and good food choices. Now that market is in its eleventh year and continues to fulfill its mission.

We have also found ways to better connect the town through improvements to the park like the disc golf course and the expanded splash pad. Some may see parks as nonessential, but in Kingston Springs they are truly the heart of our community. A park is a special place that brings together everyone from a community, and a good park offers something for everyone. In Kingston Springs we are lucky to have a great parks system that offers opportunities for recreation and community building to people of all ages and backgrounds.


At the heart of it, what makes Kingston Springs so special is our people and how they come together in good times and bad. Those of us lucky enough to call this beautiful place home know that well. We live in a world that is incredibly divided by political differences and people are becoming increasingly isolated by modern technology. While our town has not been totally immune to the outside influences of the world that divide so many of our fellow countrymen, we continue to remember who we are despite the changes that take place around us.

We gather at community events, play sports, fundraise for a good cause, worship at our local churches, recreate together, and are eager to volunteer when the worst happens. While we might not always agree with our neighbor’s beliefs, we manage to find a way to be civil. This is no small feat given our proximity to a major city.

For me, it is a time to step back some from public service and focus on some personal goals, but I am as excited as ever for Kingston Springs future. It is my hope that our town continues to grow in a way that makes us more united as a community. Don’t forget to vote this November.



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