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Local author publishes second book on national parks

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I met to talk to Ren Brabenec about his new book, "Wilderness & Wonder: An Illustrated Guide to the National Parks."

I was met by a friendly guy rocking a flannel and outdoor pants. I guess this shouldn’t have surprised me considering he penned a book about national parks. Ren greeted me as we ordered our coffee at Turnbull Provisions in downtown Kingston Springs. He’s clearly a regular. He chatted with the barista as she made our drinks before sitting down noting that he's not normally the one being interviewed. Ren is a lot of things: a great writer, an activist, a Michigan native, a self proclaimed “country-bumpkin,” but what came through most during my short time with Ren was that he was a Kingston Springs local. He knew everyone who walked through the door of the coffee shop, just as a small town resident should.

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